Monday, April 19, 2010

Party, Party, Party...

 Can you say BUSY!!! March and April have been INSANE for me...Besides the mountains of work, projects, and events going on at school, my family has thrown two big parties. One in March and the other this past Saturday (April). But all the work put into it both, were sooooo very worth it.
This event was my dad's birthday, 70's Soul Train theme. You can't see but I have on high waist bell bottoms =)And of course I was SUPER excited to rock MY OWN afro puffs to the party...a lot people actually came up to me and asked if I had on a Oh and that's my boyfriend with his unshaped

Okay these 3 pics are from my aunt and uncle's anniversary party. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THAT DRESS!!! Thrift store $$$. The look I was going for with my hair was the cinna-bun hairstyle inspired from many youtube ladies...but it wasn't as defined as their but it was still cute =)