Sunday, December 13, 2009

I Made It!!!!

Today marks the day that I did my Big Chop last year!!! Wow this year has flown by sooo fast. I can remember getting ready to come home for winter break and deciding that I was going to do the BC as soon as I got home. Over the past year I have learned so much about what my hair likes and dislikes. I think that when you learn how your hair works then it allows you to love it so much more and it makes manipulating a thousand times easier. One of the biggest shocks, is how much my hair has grown!!! Caring = Retaining. Like others have said many times before, going natural has been the BEST thing I have ever done!!!


  1. Love your hair! You give me such inspiration. I Bc'd in July so I look forward to this kind of growth. :-)

  2. happy nappiversary! I hit one year on november 8th!

  3. ~UrTheAppleOfmiiEye~December 13, 2009 at 3:18 PM

    Happy Nappiversary!:) Woot! I remember watching your vids when you first did the bc, and you have truly been an inspiration! Keep up the great work! Your hair definitely looks healthy, and well groomed, and loved! It has grown tremendously! CONGRATS!

  4. Congrats, watching your videos is making me want to BC. I am nine months now, I was hoping to last for 1 year, but now I don't think I can wait that long even if i do it now, I'll still be able to do protective styles if I don't like it. I know I'll LOVE it though.
