Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Meet Shanel Nicole...

How long have you been natural?

 I have been natural for 11 months now and I love it. I was inspired
to go natural by fellow natural beauties on YouTube. I had no idea
about being natural or how naturally curly our natural hair is. I
always thought that in order to have curly hair, you need a texturizer
of some sort. But I was WRONG ! I came across so many natural hair
video's and blogs and people with natural hair that it inspired me to
go natural.

What do you use?

When I 1st transitioned I used Avalon Organics. I then used Oyin Handmade Honey Hemp Conditioner which is really awesome. I now use Shea Moisture which is great too. Water, Aloe Vera Gel, Shea Butter, Coconut Oil, Almond oil, Tea Tree Oil, and Vegetable Glycerin are my staple products for moisturizing my natural hair.

What's the best part about being natural?

The best part about going natural is being able to go into the sunlight and sweat without worrying about my hair frizzing up...lol. Maintaining my natural hair is easy and healthier to me. I enjoy doing it.

What regimen have you found to work best with your hair?

I usually co/wash my hair every 3 days unless I have a protective style in my hair.

Thanks Shanel for participating =) I truly appreciate it and keep up the good work with your hair because it look AMAZING!!!

Donut Anyone???

Here's another simple, professional, quick, versatile, easy, on the go, and everything like that protective hairstyle. giggle.

I have been trying to do one of these buns ever since I was able to get a ponytail but for some reason they always ended up looking odd and not what I wanted. 

I used to do donut buns a lot when I was relaxed with the sock bun. So I'm SUPER EXCITED about my neat little bun. BUT the only issue I have with it is the size. it's too little. I want a bigger, thicker, and a little looser bun. So I'll keep working on it, I'm sure all I have to do is just pin the hair down farther than what I did this time.

Products used:
~Co-washed w/ Bed Head Self Absored Conditioner
~Giovanni Direct Leave-In
~Eco Styler Olive Oil Gel (MY LOVE)

I'm keeping this it in for at least 5 days (as I'm typing this, it is day 3)

I would also like to add that I think I have finally mastered the art of waves. Like the bun, I have also been trying to master how to get those gorgeous waves that we naturals produce oh so lovely. With a little help from my mother (who by the way is au naturale now!!!) and inspiration from my Big Bro, I get sick sea thinking about how crazy their hair waves up. ok that was a lil lame.lol, I think I got it now =)

Monday, July 26, 2010

Wanna be Featured????

How do you rock your natural hair?
What's your signature style?

How long have you been natural?
What do you use?

What's the best part about being natural?
What regimen have you found to work best with your hair?

I wanna know. Let's inspire others together. So if your interested send a pic or two of yourself rocking your natural tresses and answer the questions above!!


Let's not forget those who are transitioning. Send me a pic of your signature transitioning style and you can answer these questions...

How long have you been transitioning?
What's your top 3 favorite products?
What made you want to transition?
What regimen have you found to work best for dealing the two textures?

Send your info to cristigold@gmail.com and include your name =)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Sale Alert...Sale Alert!!!

Yes!!! Ulta is having their Bed Head sale again. Well actually its been going on for a couple of weeks now (I just didn't feel like going). You can get Bed Head conditioner and/or shampoo for just $9.99 reg. 24.00. I  love  love love the Moisture Manic conditioner and only get it when it's on sale. But today I accidentally picked up the another bottle that looks actually like the Moisture Manic. I'm sure it'll work just as well (at least I hope it does lol). 

Happy Shopping =)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Quick Tips for Achieving the Perfect Twists or Twistouts....

These are some tips I've found to help improve the look of my twists or twistouts.

Always keep these 3 tips in mind:
  • DON'T GO TO BED WITH WET/DAMP HAIR!!! Very important because your hair will dry the WAY YOU set it
  • Wear a satin bonnet for both twists and twistout styles
  • Remember: wet=shrinkage dry=stretched out

  • If you're trying to keep the twists in as a protective style try using some type of twisting gel, ie. Organic Root Stimulator Lock and Twist Gel....loves it =)
  • Moisturize your twists in the morning or when you are about to go so that your hair isn't damp when you go to bed
  • Twirling you finger around the ends of your twists can help lock them in place so there's no loose hair
  • When taking twists out, apply a little oil to your hands before taking them out. This will cut down on the amount of frizz
  • Don't apply a lot of water when trying to style your twistout. This too can cause more FRIZZ
  • Once you have found a style that you like KEEP YOUR HANDS OUT OF YOUR HAIR. Again this can cause your twistout to frizz UP
  • If you want to stretch your twistout a little more, at night try pulling it back into a loose ponytail

Sunday, July 4, 2010

New Video!!

I did it again...They were getting on my nerves!

Okay so the title is a lil EXTREME!!! I know I said I would try to keep the twists in longer but I just couldn't do it. Today at work I saw a girl with some big ol' hair, which made me miss my loose hair. The good news is that I have been doing more protective styles summer which is more than I did last year =)

I don't really stretch my hair out often to do length checks but when I took the twist out I was AMAZED and EXCITED about the amount of growth I had from the last time I documented my length on my channel. Check it out =)

This video is from February.

Almost bra strap length=)