Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Quick Tips for Achieving the Perfect Twists or Twistouts....

These are some tips I've found to help improve the look of my twists or twistouts.

Always keep these 3 tips in mind:
  • DON'T GO TO BED WITH WET/DAMP HAIR!!! Very important because your hair will dry the WAY YOU set it
  • Wear a satin bonnet for both twists and twistout styles
  • Remember: wet=shrinkage dry=stretched out

  • If you're trying to keep the twists in as a protective style try using some type of twisting gel, ie. Organic Root Stimulator Lock and Twist Gel....loves it =)
  • Moisturize your twists in the morning or when you are about to go so that your hair isn't damp when you go to bed
  • Twirling you finger around the ends of your twists can help lock them in place so there's no loose hair
  • When taking twists out, apply a little oil to your hands before taking them out. This will cut down on the amount of frizz
  • Don't apply a lot of water when trying to style your twistout. This too can cause more FRIZZ
  • Once you have found a style that you like KEEP YOUR HANDS OUT OF YOUR HAIR. Again this can cause your twistout to frizz UP
  • If you want to stretch your twistout a little more, at night try pulling it back into a loose ponytail

1 comment:

  1. ~UrTheAppleOfmiiEye~July 13, 2010 at 11:36 PM

    Awesome tips! I learned most of these things through trial and error! Having natural hair is a never ending learning experience! Thank you for the tips!:)
