Wednesday, December 1, 2010

It just doesn't work :(

Hey a couple of you were wondering why the Cantu Shea Butter Leave-in was on my dislike list. Well see what had happen was... I'm not really sure why it doesn't like my hair anymore. I really used to love this product and I still recommended to people but when I used it the couple of times recently my hair felt extremely dry. I'm hoping that it's because I have had it for a while (like 4 months, which is not that long). Luckily I have other products that work just as well.


  1. I've use this a few times when I first big chopped. I don't remember it leaving my hair dry but I also don't remember it leaving my hair moisturized either. The reason I stopped using it was because of that awful slight fish smell that appeared every time I used it. I thought I was paranoid at first until I did a google search and found out I wasn't the only one who thought it smelled like fish...smh...i can't with funky smelling products

  2. It doesn't like my hair anymore either.

  3. your not the only one it doesn't work in my hair anymore either. i use to love it and it use to be my staple and then it started leaving my hair feeling very dry. Hair mayonnaise is another product my hair does not like.

  4. I am now mixing conditioner(suave) with a small amount of olive oil and small amount of water, so that it becomes like a creme. I put some on each braid before a braidout and about 8 braids total for larger wave and curl pattern or more braids if less curl is desirable but more waves. I also found it is CRUCIAL to braid in the direction you want the hair to go.

  5. i am not the only one. half thru the jar and i will not be buying this product again. even if i add a lot of oil and i mean heavy oil like castor, my hair seems off - like anonymous said not dry but not moisturized either

  6. have you tried clarifying your hair ...cantu is a heavy cream and product can build up on our strands over time. i have found that some of my favs work best when i've had a deep cleanse once in a while
