Friday, November 4, 2011

Bye Bye Straight Hair. Welcome Back Curls!

Well after 3 weeks of wearing my hair straight I decided to wash my hair. I really needed a good wash because I noticed I had these GIGANTIC dandruff flakes all over my head. Plus I was getting really anxious...I thought I had heat damage because of the amount of heat I used. Luckily, there was no heat damage and the curls are back and poppin! Here are some pics of the process of my hair reverting back. 
Applied conditioner to dry hair

Applied more conditioner and a some water 
(I started getting scared because most of my hair was still straight)

Rinsed hair.

Little random fact:
Whenever I'm trying to get my hair to revert back I always have to follow the same routine because I think I'm going to jinx it if I don'


  1. That's a good idea I never thought conditioner on dry hair first, then rinse. Hmmm. I guess this helps w detangling. Love the curls!


  2. awesome! i am planning to straighten my hair soon.. kinda excited! absolutely love your hair!

  3. I've been taking advantage of the low humidity weather... i.e., wearing my hair straight for a few weeks. I might have to try this "pre-conditioning" method today. Love your videos. #AggiePride

  4. ebony aka queen1989eDecember 9, 2011 at 8:30 AM

    i thought i was the only one that felt this way i am also afriad of heat damage and when i wash my hair and see my curls again i feel relieved and i also start to miss my curls

  5. HURRAY! cana?t balladeer. by virtue of himself by what name highly.
