Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Best Primer for Oily Skin

As of the other day, I was probably one of the last oily skinned makeup junkies on earth who hadn't tried using Milk of Magnesia as a foundation primer. Well I have been using it recently and OMGOSH I just can't believe this stuff actually works! I was very skeptical at first but I decided to given in since so many people of youtube were raving about it.


To show you all just what I mean I took pictures of my how my face looked throughout the day.


8:30am - I just finished applying my foundation concealer for the day.

9:00am - I'm getting ready to leave for work.

11:30am - On break at work. Normally, by this time my nose is so oily I have to blot away the shine but not today. I did notice my skin wasn't as matte as it was when I first applied makeup but it's such a big difference what I'm used to seeing by this time of day.

4:00pm - It's the end of the day. After work I had some errands to run and a meeting across town. The temperature outside was at least 80 degrees. But even with all I had to do today and hot temperatures my foundation looked great all day long.


 end of the day. no filter.

 If you have combination oily skin or just oily skin I HIGHLY recommend you try Milk of Magnesia as an oil control primer. 



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